Monday, January 10, 2011

I like em, so sue me

 Maybe it's because life has been getting monotonous lately, what with being completely broke, disliking the day job and sharing one car between two employed people, but I've been craving the most mushy, emotional, cheesy chick flicks known to man. Some movies guaranteed to squeeze a few tears out of me:


 The number of people who have never seen this astonishes me. One of the best animated movies ever. It's not just about a silly unicorn, there's all kinds of deep profound stuff like the nature of truth and lies, and, uh, a witch's face gets eaten by a Harpy. Don't worry, she totally deserves it. Pssst.... has released a glorious set of perfumes based on the Last Unicorn! BE EXCITED!

I'd always loved Cinderella and I think this is a lovely retelling. Costuming is all just beautiful, I've always liked Drew Barrymore, and Angelica Huston does a wonderful job being an AWFUL person. The part where she throws the chicken at Prince Henry is pretty freaking amusing, i always giggle a little.

 Ok, yeah, I know. But it's all so PRETTY. And sparkly. And there's a seductive elephant, and John Leguizamo is a lovely little Toulouse Lautrec, and Jim Broadbent and Richard Roxburgh do pretty much the best version of 'Like a Virgin' ever. I was a kind person and looked it up for you, Here you go.   I even liked Nicole Kidman's pompous self in this.

I remember reading this in school back in 6th or 7th grade and being completely humiliated that I cried a little... it's just such a sweet, sad story and as moving at 24 as it was at 11. The movie does a really good job of capturing the same feel; the characters are perfect and the scenery is beautiful. Parts get a little cheesy but what is teen romance if not cheesy?

Oh, and if anyone has any good suggestions, especially things I can watch online or on netflix, fess up.

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